
Showing posts from November, 2014

Pencils and Memories

Why #2 pencils?  Why not #1 or #3 pencils? Do kids even still have to use #2 pencils? I remember we had to have several #2 pencils sharpened and ready to go. The memory of the scent of the wooden pencil mixed with the smell of the brand new, bright red eraser takes me back to the days of sitting behind a brightly colored desk, recesses, standardized tests, and hoping mom packed a fruit roll up in my plastic disney lunch box, or that my dad had drawn me a cartoon on my napkin. (Did your parents do anything like that for you?) *Shout out to the awesome things are parents surprised us with in our lunch boxes.* It is funny how trivial things like a #2 pencil can spark so many memories. So does anyone know? Why #2 pencils?  Why not #1 or #3 pencils? Do kids even still have to use #2 pencils? MelLew

Epic Fail

So I completely fail at keeping this blog updated. I keep thinking life will slow down and let me do what I enjoy doing, but only seems to get more and more hectic. Vacation to The Great Smoky Mountains National Park was fantastic! It went by way too quickly! I think we got more rain on this trip then we've ever had before during one of our visits there. Since we usually do a lot of outdoorsy type stuff it kept our activities pretty limited. I will try to get a post together and some pictures from the trip within the next week or so (I know what you're thinking-"She's said that before, and we have yet to see an update on time.") Sigh, I wish you were incorrect. Alas, you are not. What would you guys like to read about here? Any places that you would like to see a review on, or a picture you'd like to see me use as a writing prompt. The possibilities are endless. Maybe if I have a goal to shoot for it will keep me on task. Ha ha! Let me know in ...