Epic Fail

So I completely fail at keeping this blog updated.

I keep thinking life will slow down and let me do what I enjoy doing, but alas...it only seems to get more and more hectic. Vacation to The Great Smoky Mountains National Park was fantastic! It went by way too quickly! I think we got more rain on this trip then we've ever had before during one of our visits there. Since we usually do a lot of outdoorsy type stuff it kept our activities pretty limited.

I will try to get a post together and some pictures from the trip within the next week or so (I know what you're thinking-"She's said that before, and we have yet to see an update on time.") Sigh, I wish you were incorrect. Alas, you are not.

What would you guys like to read about here? Any places that you would like to see a review on, or a picture you'd like to see me use as a writing prompt. The possibilities are endless. Maybe if I have a goal to shoot for it will keep me on task. Ha ha! Let me know in the comments below then subscribe! Hopefully this time I shall do better at keeping this thing up to date.

Until next time...Dream Big and Live BIGGER!



  1. I'd love to see some travel reviews - I've never been to the Smokies so it would be fun to see what places I should hit when I finally make it out there! Also, updates on your writing would be great too! How is it coming along? What are you inspired by? What stumbling blocks have you faced (and how did you get through them)? I've been having trouble posting consistently as well - I feel your pain! It's nice just to write and have fun with it though. :-)

    1. Travel reviews it is! I have a few in the works from the Smoky Mountains ,and I will have them posted soon! I will get started on an update of how my book is coming as well...Thanks for the feed back!


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