I Challenge You!
Life. Life is hard. Though if life wasn't hard we would have no reason to become stronger. We would never grow and flourish into all that we are capable of being. Life has a way of shaping us to fit into cookie cutter standards, but do you know what I say to that? Life is so much bigger than the cookie cutter shapes we are told we have to fit into to be worth while. I look out across this incredible world we live in, and do you know what I see? I see a kaleidoscope of so many things. I see hope. I see love. I see anger. I see dispair. I see hurt. I see heartbreak. I see joy. I see brokeness. I see adventure. I see hardships. I see loneliness. I see wholeness. I see.... This list could go on forever, right? Everyone living in this world knows how difficult living is. We know that life doesn't always give us a picture perfect reality. Real life is messy. It is a series of really high highs and unexpected drops, twists and turns, light and dark, love and hurt, joy and sorrow....