I Challenge You!

Life. Life is hard.

Though if life wasn't hard we would have no reason to become stronger. We would never grow and flourish into all that we are capable of being. Life has a way of shaping us to fit into cookie cutter standards, but do you know what I say to that? Life is so much bigger than the cookie cutter shapes we are told we have to fit into to be worth while.

I look out across this incredible world we live in, and do you know what I see? I see a kaleidoscope of so many things. I see hope. I see love. I see anger. I see dispair. I see hurt. I see heartbreak. I see joy. I see brokeness. I see adventure. I see hardships. I see loneliness. I see wholeness. I see....

This list could go on forever, right?

Everyone living in this world knows how difficult living is. We know that life doesn't always give us a picture perfect reality.

Real life is messy. It is a series of really high highs and unexpected drops, twists and turns, light and dark, love and hurt, joy and sorrow. Sometimes it is all we can do just to hang on for the ride.

In the midst if it all there is also beauty beyond your wildest imagination. Every person has something unique to give to this adventure. We each play a different role. Whether that role is lead or supporting they are all equally important and needed.

Here is where I find myself wondering how, when everyone knows how hard life is, people can still tear the people around them down? Shouldn't we be finding ways to help each other along such a difficult journey?

Now, I know not all people are going to be best friends. Not all personalities mesh, and you know what? That's okay. It also doesn't mean we need to, or have the right to, tear each other down because we don't see eye to eye on everything. We all see life differently, but that's the beauty of it all. We are, each of us, completely unique and amazing individuals with more to offer than could ever be written down.

So, given this, I want to throw this challenge out to you.

I want you to take a moment and stop. Okay, now, look at the people around you. I mean really look. Do you see how a smile reaches the eyes? Do you see the veteran's hat sitting on the table beside the old gentlman at the coffee shop? Can you feel the awkward tension between the teenage couple on their first date in the restaurant? You are going to be so amazed at all you will see.

Okay, now that you are seeing the people around you and focused in. Step two - When you see something in a person that you really like or appreciate, tell them. If you like their hair, say so. If you love the outfit they are wearing, compliment it. If you see a person who has served our country, thank them. The possibilities here are endless.

At first, it may feel weird or forced, but I know that just a small bit of kindness will go so far for that person, and eventually that awkwardness does go away. You will be surprised at how blessed you will be in return for something that to you may seem so simple or insignificant.

Let's dare to encourage each other even though we are in a world where everything tells us that we are in a "to the death" competition. Step out of the cookie cutter shapes and shine in ways only you can. An act of kindness stretches so much further than you would think possible.

Together we can defy everything this world  teaches and stand side by side together as a team. The journey becomes so much easier when we realize we don't have to make the trip alone.

Because life. Life is hard, but we can make it a little bit easier and a little bit brighter for the lives we come into contact with.

So will you accept the challenge and be all you were created to be?


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