A New Adventure!

After months of contemplation, I have finally decided to take the plunge and begin my very own blog! Creating a new blog has proven of itself to be an incredible adventure!

At first I wasn't sure if I should let anyone know my contemplations, but I figured there is nothing wrong with reaching out into your social circles to find a little help, and boy did it deliver! I had no idea blogs were such a huge part of people's lives.  I suppose that is a part of my ignorance on the entire thing. Hmm... Where was I? Oh right! The adventure of creating this blog.

Well, after I had reached out to people for input on where to begin, I received tons of input on which sites were best, who preferred what, etc.  My mind was spinning like a carousel (I prefer carousel over merry go round...sounds a bit more...fancy? grown up?) I had no idea there were so many options to explore.

One friend, who is an avid blogger, went through the basics with me, and told me that over everything else the most important thing is the name for your blog.  She told me you want a name that encompasses everything you want your blog to be.  Wow! How was I supposed to fit everything I wanted this blog to be into a tiny name? Again, I reached out into my social circles for some ideas.  Of course everyone wanted to know what my blog was going to be about.  Well, while I had an idea of things I wanted to talk about in a blog, I was no where near being able to narrow it down to one subject.

I knew I wanted it to be about finding adventure in everyday life (oh, it's there trust me you just have to know how to look), random ponderings (is this even a word? I guess it is now) and inspirations that I might happen upon on any given day, hearing from my readers about their adventures, my thoughts and viewpoints on books, movies, theatre, music, or even random pictures that could spark up a great conversation.  How could I possibly limit the endless tangled mess that is my thought process to one topic?!?!

For days I mulled all of this over in my head, and I kept coming back to the word 'random'. As you will quickly come to learn by reading my blog, I am a very random, sometimes there are methods to my insanity, over the top, creative, disjointed, unorganized, passionate person.  I find that life's greatest joys are in the small things.  It doesn't take tons of money or even time to enjoy this life we are given to the fullest.

I did some research on choosing blog names, and even juggled some ideas around with some friends, when AT LONG LAST...after hours and hours and days and days (okay maybe that's a bit melodramatic) of thinking, searching, throwing away, recreating...I discovered a name for my blog...The Ramblings of a Redhead!!!! I think it fits me perfectly since I am a redhead...and I ramble...a lot; as I am most certain you have already come to realize and wholeheartedly agree with, but never mind that...  I HAD MY NAME!!!

Once I had the name I wanted for my blog, I was ready to embark on this incredible adventure! I am so excited to be able to share all of my 'ramblings' with you guys and gals, and I hope it inspires you to go out there and see things in a new way, or to just stop and take a moment to actually SEE what's around you.  I love talking with and meeting new people so PLEASE subscribe, tell your friends, comment, post, invite me to read your blogs!

I would also LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from all of you!!! What are your 'first blog' adventures? How did you chose which site to finally pour yourself into? How did you come up with your blog name? I can't wait to hear from you! Until next time fellow bloggers...dream big and live BIGGER!!!



  1. I am so proud of you! I will definitely keep reading! I love you sister!

    1. Awe, thanks!!!! I love you too!!!! You are the best!

  2. <3 this and love you! Random though? Are redheads really rand.....SQUIRREL!!!!! :D


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