Let The (Autumnal) Games Begin

So this weekend I was reintroduced to the game of Munchkin.  I don't know how many of you have ever played this game, but it is pretty amazing in all of its hilarity.

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Munchkin is a card game in which the players attempt to be the first to reach level 10.  A player can level up his or her character by defeating monsters varying from a level 1 'Angry Chicken' to a level 20 'Plutonium Dragon'.  Players can level up their character by asking for aid from fellow players to either defeat monsters or trade items to upgrade their character's battle strength, but be careful because while you can ask for aid, it is also a game created for backstabbing your fellow players.

I won't go into too many other details about the game itself, if you are curious it is an easy search for Google to handle.  We ended up playing through the game several times, each time attempting to figure out all the rules and cards as we went along (which is no menial task).  Out of the four games we played I am proud to report that I did succeed in claiming the victory for one of them! And there was much rejoicing...yay... (monty python reference...anyone?)

On a completely different note, while driving to my friend's house, my car windows were down and my favorite CD was playing, when I noticed that some of the leaves are already starting to change color. I am so excited that fall has finally arrived!!! Fall is my absolute most favorite time of the year.  I mean, come on...who doesn't love hoodies, boots, bonfires, corn mazes, pumpkin carving, apple cider, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the leaves turning, and other Autumnal things...(that is a great word that should be used more often..."autumnal" A friend of mine in college used this word, and I have loved it ever since. Another great word that is often associated with fall..."crisp" I love this word because it sounds like what it describes...come on say it with me..."crisp" :-D You know it made you smile) The list could go on and on...but I'll leave it here for now.

Back to my original thought, driving to my friends house with my windows down, and let me tell you...WOW! I live in a place with a lot of rolling hills and farmland, and it is just beautiful (though forests are where my heart truly lies). The crisp (oh ya! told you I love this word) air was filling my car and the sunshine was warm on my skin.  Amazing! There is nothing quite as invigorating as going on a drive through the countryside in the fall with your favorite music playing. Who's with me?

OH! Another one of my favorite things about fall....PUMPKIN SPICE COFFEE!!! I am a huge fan of coffee and all things pumpkin, so of course combining two of my favorite things (I have a lot of favorite things, but these are the two relevant to this paragraph) makes my heart incredibly happy.

I have pulled out my autumnal scented candles and oils, and have started decorating my house for the season.  Soon, I shall pull out my favorite autumnal movies, Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Christmas, It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, just to name a few. (Note to self:  I'll have to throw a party and have some friends over to enjoy them with)

Well this blog is getting more random as it goes on, so I shall leave you for now.  Tell me, what puts all of you in the mood for the fall season? Pumpkin spice, movies, the crisp bite in the air, the changing leaves, bonfires, the upcoming holiday season? Let me know! I'd love to hear about it! Also, who has embarked on the quest of playing Munchkin? I can't wait to hear about it and all of your hilarious adventures while playing.

Thanks so much for all the support with this blog!! I've already received more hits than I ever imagined I would! You are all awesome! If you enjoy reading my "ramblings" please please PLEASE comment, follow me, subscribe, +1, like, share, tell your friends!!! Get the word out there!!! Until next time fellow adventurers...Dream big and Live BIGGER!!!



  1. I love the crisp air (contagious word!), picking apples and making pies, watching Fall cartoons/movies, and the spicy smells. MMMMmmmmm! I love cooler temperatures. Blistering heat and my pasty-Irish skin just do not mix.

    1. Oh how well I know how fierce that blistering head can be to pasty-Irish skin....and see!! Crisp is such a great word :)


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