One Year Later...

Yesterday i celebrated the 4th of July with some of my very dear friends, and as I laid in the grass watching the fireworks and stars in the sky overhead I remembered that on that day last year I was on the other side of the world in a small village in the middle of Romania. We were celebrating my interpreter's birthday with an American flag cake and some watermelon.

Has it really been an entire year already? It feels like just yesterday and yet another lifetime ago all at the same time.

That trip was so many firsts for me. My first time out of America.  My first time on a small airplane. My first time teaching a small class of kids. My first missions trip. My first time to Europe.

Little did I know then that I would leave a part of my heart in that village so very far away.

I remember how nervous and excited I was for this new adventure. I remember leaving my parents at the airport knowing I would be going thousands of miles away and not be able to really contact them till my return to the states.

When I met up with the rest of my team before our flight to Germany I remember their huge smiles and warm welcome, and I knew that this was going to be an adventure of a lifetime.

In my next few posts I will be sharing some of my favorite moments from the trip so subscribe and stay tuned!!!

Dream Big and Live BIGGER!


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