The Epic Quest

An epic quest has begun yet again...

I look out across the vast field of battle. The enemy far outnumbers myself. I ready my weapon and give out a mighty cry as I charge into the enemy lines.

One by one I begin setting my enemy aflame. I don't stop long enough to watch them burn as more and more surround me. Exhaustion threatens to take me...I can not and will not be beaten so easily.

After an intense hour of battle...597 of the enemy now lie dead upon the battlefield, and I stand victorious!

The rest of the enemy has fallen back to regroup...we shall meet again, and once more I shall defeat them. For now, however, I shall go to cleanse myself of this battle, and prepare for the next time that I shall face them.

(Aka - I just completed my Zumba cardio/core class and burned 597 calories wahoo!....Come on, admit it...exercising would be so much more rewarding if the calories screamed when you burn them)

Day 2

Upon a vast field of snow we meet again foul beasts.

I shall slay you again this day as I have before.

I can smell your fear, for now you have realized I am not a force to be reckoned with. 

Yet, still you advance. Fools.

Can you now see the smirk on my face or the fire in my eyes? It is because today you shall see the end of your existence. 

Do not fear for your comrades, for they shall be joining you in the near future. brings your death. 

Metal clashes on metal as they attempt to swarm me. If they cannot overpower me, then they will try to wear me down till I am too exhausted to fight. This I well know.

The sky is now blocked from my eyes as more and more of them attack. I am being overwhelmed, I have to act now or all would be lost.

In the midst of the darkness fire shoots forth. (I am lucky they catch fire so easily) Light pierces my darkness, and their screams fill my ears as they all try to escape the flames. 

There are still thousands of them, but today was a good victory. 600 of my enemy now lie smoldering in the snow.

Sweat trickles into my eyes, yet I feel a sense of accomplishment. I turn and limp from the battlefield. Until next we meet....

(Another full Zumba cardio/core class complete 600 calories burned! Feeling GREAT!)


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