Enchanted Forest

Shadows dance in the green grass reveling in its soft promise of a warm spring day. I feel the cool blades under my feet and between my toes. The cool soil where millions of roots take hold and plants climb upwards towards the glorious sunshine.

I sit in the stillness. Yet...it isn't still.

I listen to the wind rustling the leaves of the trees I am surrounded by. 

I hear my friend the bumblebee as he buzzes by stopping to say a quick hello before flying off on his way to find more flowers.

The birds sing back and forth to each other every song unique and beautifully sung. A cardinal couple has joined my little party. I watch as they flit from branch to branch chittering as they gather food to take back to their little ones. 

I can smell the herbs and flowers that are growing in the garden nearby. I close my eyes and allow the smell to transport me away, but I stop realizing I dont need to go anywhere to find this amazing enchanted forest.

I open my eyes to see that a shy grey rabbit has wandered out from the thicket. His nose twitches nervously. He is not quite sure of me yet. I remain still and watch as he slowly moves. Ever so slowly. Carefully. Cautiously. Finally, he seems to accept my presence and comedically flops onto his side to enjoy some fresh clover. The sun glistens on his fur making it shimmer like silver. 

I am in awe of the wonder around me, this enchanted forest. I am surrounded by magic of the most astounding kind. Magic surrounds all of us if we simply take the time to stop and be still enough to see it. 

Take time. Pause. Listen. Smell. Breathe. Look. The world is filled with magic. Kindness can still be found. Peace still exists. Order is still there the midst of what feels like endless chaos. 

Even in the storms beauty can be found. We can sometimes become overwhelmed with the sense of reality and loss. So overwhelmed at times even breathing hurts. The soul aches. 

Yet, I have found when those aches become more than I am able to bear, I can stop and find myself in these peaceful moments. 

I feel the love of those who have gone on before me radiating within me. I remember the lessons they taught me. I can almost hear the sound of their voice riding on the wind as it blows across my skin, a cool reprieve and a welcome relief from the sun's burning heat, and I cannot help but smile. 

This is my sanctuary. My enchanted forest where God surrounds me with His incredible creation and warms me with memories of those He gave me to show me His love and those I still have to continue to show me that love.

I encourage you to find that place where God meets you just as you are. He doesn't ask for anything but us. Find that place and close your eyes and allow Him to fill you. Smile. You are loved. You are cherished. You are never alone. That is something truly magical.


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