Not According To Plan

Adventure seems to always find me when I least expect it.  Allow me to explain...

I was getting ready to make the trek back to my own home after visiting my parents for the weekend. It was the same routine as usual:  making my rounds through the house being sure I had everything, packing up the food I brought, my mom piling more food to take back with me, loading up the car.  Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary.

Well, my car had been sitting a couple day so it was like an oven.  I decided why not go ahead and start it up get the AC going so it will be cool when I finally hit the road. No big deal right? That's what I thought anyways.

Nope, I said my goodbyes and walked out to my car and what did I find? Every. Single. Door. Locked. The best part...the keys were in the ignition, and the engine was running. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. My car is not supposed to lock unless I hit the lock button or I'm driving over 10MPH.

At first, I felt really really stupid. Then I felt somewhat dumbfounded. From there I felt frustrated. After that I felt stupid some more, and to finish it all up, I felt thankful.

I was sitting there as my dad and brothers were prying my door open to try and stuff a wire hanger down inside and thinking about all of what had happened....I had an amazing weekend with my family...I got to go kayaking again taking on my first single kayak and did really well...I was thankfully still at my parents so I had my brothers and my dad to help me get my car wasn't wasn't freezing cold and snowing....there were so many ways that this situation could have been so much worse.

It was as I was realizing all of this that my amazing super hero brother got the window in the back to go down and I could reach in and open my doors! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

I am so very thankful for my family and for these crazy adventures that keep my life interesting.  I still feel a little bit foolish, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has locked their keys in their car or had them lock themselves in as the case was tonight.

So, all of that to say adventures come even when you don't plan for them. So always be ready, and take them as an extra spice to life.

Until next time adventurers, Dream Big and Live BIGGER!!!



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