Sleepy Time ZzZzZz

I sent a text recently to a friend telling them I was tired.  The text consisted of the following "ZzZzZz"

This got me to thinking...why is snoring always depicted by the letter 'Z'?

My coworker and I decided to do some research...apparently it first appeared in American comics around 1918. It would be zzzz hamdwritten inside of a thought bubble to show that the character was snoring (though now it is used to show that a character is just asleep not necessarily snoring).

It also seems that the Americanism ended up catching on all over the world. The only exception I found was Japanese Manga in which a bubble coming from a character's nose depicts sleep.

I was reading some comments on the article I found, and one woman had a really great theory:  she said that she did research on the word "snooze" which went back to 1738 and meant "echoic of snoring". She believes that comic artists simply shortened snooze to zzz.

These are the thinks I think.

Until next time,  Dream Big and Live BIGGER!



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