A Summer Day At The Renaissance Faire...In October?

Yesterday I was able to spend the entire day at the Renaissance Faire.  Usually this time of year finds the fair goers wrapped up tight in velvet capes and cloaks, clutching to hot cider, hot chocolate, or hot mulled wine, whilst searching for the patches of sunlight to warm themselves in.

However, yesterday proved to feel just like a hot summer day in August. Rather than seeking sunlight, my friend and I found ourselves searching for shade to sit in while we sipped on our cold ice water and watched the merriments of the day. I always feel bad for the actors in those heavy costumes when it gets that hot and humid, but they still play a great part!

We were able to walk around with one of the cast members who wander around the shire, and we got to learn the chorus of her song "Love Juice". We then proceeded to follow her around and serenade fellow faire goers. It was quite the adventure, and we had a lot of laughs and met some really incredible people.

That is one thing I absolutely love about Renaissance Faires, the people. They are all so friendly and accepting of anyone who comes along, and they are such amazing and talented people! Some make their own costumes, while others make incredible accessories and the like.

One of the shop keepers I met there runs the Pewter Shop.  He makes everything himself including the molds for the sculptures.  One of only four left in America that do it.  He is hoping to be able to start demonstrations at the faire to keep the art from dying out. Each of his pieces has a story behind it. He is such a brilliant man!!!

Another shop woman I met is from Ireland. I want to get there one day. She and her husband have traveled all over the world, and have so many stories to tell. I wish I could sit down with every one of them and just hear what they have to say. She has recently been trying to stop smoking and has now been eight months without a cigarette!!! I was so excited for her!!! 

In all the years of attending the Renaissance Faire, I have to say now that I have been able to build relationships with these people, and started getting to know them I have fallen in love with the place even more. I am always sad as the end of the season begins to draw near, but I plan on getting as many trips as I can in before it's all over until next year.

Here are some of the pictures of the Human Chess Match we got to sit and enjoy.  It was good times to be had!

What places or people are you passionate about? Perhaps it's the atmosphere of an amusement park and the adrenaline junkies that seek out the newest and fastest coasters, or perhaps it's antique shops whose owners can usually tell you stories behind the articles you find in their shops.  I want to hear about it! Let me know in the comments below.  Where are cool places I should visit? I would love suggestions, and I will most certainly write about the adventure on here.

If you enjoy reading, you know the drill! Comment, +1, like, subscribe, follow, share, tell your friends.  I have an amazing fan base already, and I love hearing from you all in person how much you are enjoying this blog.  I'm glad I can share and make you laugh, smile, think, and be encouraged.  Until next time, Dream Big and Live BIGGER!!!



  1. I love all the stories you come back from the Faire with! It makes me want to get back :)


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