Out and About

Finally out and about again! It feels so good to be up and at work (as some would say 'back in the saddle again').  Anything that is not the four walls of my living room for a little while is nice. It is a gorgeous day out! Almost like it is welcoming me back to the outside world.

It's a cozy low 70s (though I would take a nice crisp-there's that word again-low 60s high 50s), and the sun is shining brightly. Such a perfect fall day! I drove to work with my windows down just taking in the fresh air. :) So nice!

I did get to take my car through the car wash the other day and got some pretty awesome pictures!! Let me know what you think!

Have you guys ever caught some cool shots doing every day activities? Let me see them!! I love fun pictures!!!

Anywho, I am glad last week is behind me, but what a crazy adventure it was! It's good to be back at work, seeing all my friends, and being able to feel useful again. I can't wait to be finished my medicine so that I can have coffee again.  I have a grande pumpkin spice frappacino calling my name out there.

Oh! One of the things I did get to do while I was recouping was I got to catch up and finish season 3 of The Walking Dead. I don't know how many of you watch this show or enjoy it. It is definitely not for everyone. I myself am not usually a fan of zombiesque (that's the new word for today) shows or movies, but I love the story line and characters of this show.  The characters have had their moments where I have wanted to hit them up side the head because they are being so stupid, but I suppose that's all a part of why the show is so enticing. I'm not a fan of gore either so there are a lot of moments where I have my eyes covered.  Though as a professional in the entertainment world I can and do appreciate all the hours and hard work that must go behind pulling off all that zombie makeup.  Kudos to all the makeup designers!

Well enough rambling for today.  Now that I am out and about again who knows what adventures may abound right around the corner.  I am so excited to be able to share it with you guys.  If you are enjoying this blog, let me know! Comment below, share, +1, like, follow, subscribe, you all know the drill! I want to know that you guys are enjoying my 'ramblings' or even if you don't, and how I could improve on the content of what I put on here.  Can't wait to hear from you! Until next time, Dream Big and Live BIGGER!!!



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