This Is Halloween

Sorry for the delay in posts, but life has been crazy busy! (In the most fantastic, awesome, epic way ever!) I got to partake in a costumed Halloween party this past weekend, and let me tell you it was quite the adventure.

When I first heard about the party, I had no idea what I was going to dress up as.  I didn't have any costumes, and I had no idea where to even begin.  I decided the best place to start was a Google search.  I started Googling Halloween costumes.

I found several amazing costumes, but the price range was way above my budget.  I then turned to faithful Pinterest to maybe find a way to do a homemade costume. It was here that I found some great makeup ideas for a scarecrow.  I thought it would be perfect!

So I kidnapped my best friend, and we headed to the goodwill. (Okay, okay you all know I didn't really kidnap her...more like I called and asked her to come help me, and, of course, she is amazing so she was only too happy to help)

We made our way to the "Halloween Costumes" section of the Goodwill. I didn't know Goodwill had a costume section. Isn't the entire store one huge costume shop? I mean, come on, you can find stuff for costumes all over those stores. I found it amusing that they had a section dedicated to costumes, but I suppose they can keep most of the actual costumes there.

As my friend and I perused the racks searching for the perfect costumes, my eyes fell upon the coolest black leather trench-coat. I pulled it off the rack and gawked at the amazing article of clothing in my hands.  Of course I had to try it on.  It fit perfectly!

Of course, I could only imagine what they were asking for it.  I wasn't about to spend a ton of money on something I couldn't find a use for other than it was awesome. I found the price tag and my jaw hit the floor.  TWENTY DOLLARS!!! I had to find a use for this, and my friend came up with the perfect solution.  Go to the Halloween party as a Vampire Hunter. BRILLIANT!

Thus my journey to find the perfect costume continued.  I now had in my possession the most awesome coat ever! I got into touch with another friend who has a collection of swords, and he hooked me up with a wicked sword to compliment my costume. He also helped me rig up a back harness for the sword using two belts and wire ties.  How perfect right? Again, everything was falling into place.

I started researching for things I could use as accessories for the costume to kind of pull it all together. I found a pair of fishnet gloves with silver chains, a dagger necklace in the shape of a cross with a skull on it, and I found some awesome makeup all at the same store and under $30.

The only things I really wanted that I hadn't found were a corset type top and a pair of knee high boots.  I searched for what I was looking for, but kept coming up empty handed. Found a lot online that I could order, but I'm not a huge fan of buying any kind of clothing I can't try on first. So I was sitting at work the night before the party trying to think of how I could manage the look I wanted without the two things, and it hit me. Working in theatre I have several friends who work in costumes, duh! I quickly texted one of my friends from costuming to see if she had a shirt that could possibly pull off the look I wanted.  SHE DID!

I went to her house after work and picked it up. I couldn't have asked for better. Shirt in hand, I went home to put everything together. My excitement was building. The only thing I never found were boots, but my black sneakers ended up working fine, and it was much more comfortable than what boots would have been.

My best friend helped me with my makeup (as most of you know I am not a makeup girl...I'm not good at it...quite frankly I suck at it ha ha! I am most definitely not a girly-girl) So after having her help me with all of that my costume was complete!

Do you want to see it?!


Do you?!

Okay, okay, enough torture...<drum roll>

After days of pondering, searching, piecing together, seeking high and low, scouring the land to the highest peeks and the lowest valleys, through rain, sleet, ice, snow, wind, blistering heat.....

Oops...I got a bit carried away.  Here it is! The final product!!!

"Alexis Alora-Vampire Hunter

So not too shabby in my opinion.  What do you guys think?

Halloween is quickly drawing closer and closer.  What are all of you dressing up as? Or what are your kids dressing up as? Did you buy as costume, make it yourself, or like me piece one together? Which do you enjoy more? If you have pictures I'd love to see them!!!

Again guys, I can't thank you enough for all of your continued support! If you are enjoying the blog follow, subscribe, +1, like, and comment. I love hearing from all of you, and I love knowing if you are enjoying what you see. Tomorrow I will post about the rest of my adventures from the weekend, but until then, Dream Big and Live BIGGER!!!



  1. Awesome costume! I personally enjoy piecing them together because then the individual pieces can be worn everyday.


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